Companions Choice Ambassador Renewal Form 2024Welcome back to Team Companions Choice! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Please confirm your shipping address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Clothing Details Apparel Sizing * Please confirm your apparel size Men's Sizing Women's Sizing * Small Medium Large X-Large Social Media Please let us know if you are interested in participating in any of the following activities: Social Media Take-Over Days Write Blog Posts On-Location Interviews Instagram Facebook TikTok Other Social Profiles Please provide direct link to profile Is your Instagram and Facebook account public or private? * Public Private When representing Companion Choice, it is important we are easily able to repost your content directly from your page, which Instagram/Facebook only allows with a public account. Reposting your content helps grow your audience on social media and allows you to represent the Companions Choice brand on a larger scale. If your account is private, please indicate if you are willing to make it public. If not, please provide an explanation. Yes, I am willing to make my account public No, I am not willing to make my account public If you are not willing to make your account public please provide your reasoning Additional Information Please list your current sponsors What is your dog(s) name, age, and breed * What discipline do you and your dog(s) specialize in * Please be as specific as possible What are your training goals for the 2024 year? * What are your competition goals for the 2024 season? * Is there anything else you would like to share with us? As a Companions Choice ambassador, you are expected to bring forward high quality pictures and videos of your performance at your events. Receiving this content is vital for the Companions Choice brand and to allow us to properly represent you and support your goals. Please provide Companions Choice with a minimum of one high quality photo and/or video after each event. Please email these photos/videos directly to If you require further explanations or guidelines on what we consider high quality content, please ask and we would be happy to help! * I agree I would like more information We love supporting our ambassadors and the events they initiate to help grow our K9 sports. If you are looking for a donation or for any support at one of these events, please contact via email only. Please do not contact us through Facebook messenger or text as these inquiries can be missed. When emailing, please provide as much information on the event as possible. Direct links to event pages, brochures, or write ups of the nature of the event(s), and photos (from previous years) are required in order for us to support you in the best way possible. We require a minimum of 1 month notice for all event inquiries. * I understand THANK YOU Thank you for completing your 2024 renewal form - we are excited to have you back as a member of Team Companions Choice! Thank you!We will be in-touch shortly.