Environmental Stress Effects on Dairy Production
It is that time of year when the weather turns nasty and temperatures fluctuate across the county. The effect cold temperatures have on dairy cows and calves is profound and we certainly cannot predict what the weather will do. Up and down temperatures coupled with other stressors on the herd can be costly and time-consuming. You may notice body condition drop, lower milk production numbers, increased chance of illness, and lower average daily weight gain in calves.
Cold temperature, wind and poor ventilation have an immense effect on the digestive and immune system of our animals. In calves, these can cause lower weaning weights, delayed immune responses to illness or lower ability to deal with illness. For cows, you may notice increased calorie requirements or lower conception rates.
Cows and calves can deal and adapt to short term changes in weather without impact on performance. Large temperature swings within the span of 12 -24 hours or long days of frigid temps tend to cause decreases in feed and water intake if barn facilities and ventilation are not adjusted for weather.
We all know that our animals do well in moderate temperatures, but during the winter when the ambient temperature falls below critical levels for cows and calves, based on body condition and life stage, these cold stressed animals will then have increased nutritional needs. Cold weather conditions will cause calves to divert more energy to staying warm and maintaining body temperature. Calves need energy for growth.
The digestive tract makes up about 70% of the animal’s immune system. When the digestive system is not working optimally, so goes the immune system. Digestive and immune stress in animals tends to go together with cold stress. One way to deal with this is to use a direct fed microbial (DFM).
Dairymans Choice is a direct fed microbial that contains a combination of live yeast, probiotics, and prebiotics. The use of Dairymans Choice increases fibre digestion, helps to maintain a proper rumen pH, and increases dry matter and water intake, essentially helping to regulate the animals' temperature. The prebiotics and probiotics help to kickstart the immune system and ward off immune challenges. By adding Dairymans Choice your animals will have proper digestive functions. This leads to fewer effects of toxins and allows healthy animals to have better milk production.
Dairymans Choice provides three ways to help maintain herd productivity in cold weather:
1. Dissolve in milk replacer or whole milk to boost ADG and reduce scours;
2. Mixed in with rations or a TMR daily to optimize digestion and nutrient uptake;
3. Use of Dairymans Choice Paste to resolve immediate issues such as scours, animals off feed or to prevent issues in calves and cows.
Once you have looked at your key management strategies for dealing with cold stress in your facility here, are some things to consider with your nutrition program:
Provide additional calories during times when the temperature falls below critical levels for your dairy cattle herd, especially for calves to ensure a steady weight gain
Monitor calves who have a lower threshold for cold weather
Provide fresh water consistently
Include Dairymans Choice products in your daily routine
We cannot control the weather, but we can reduce its effects on the digestive and immune health of the animals. By using key management strategies and Dairymans Choice we can reduce the costs of illness and improve overall herd efficiency.